
底特律 Unemployment Rate Drops Below Seven Percent, First Time Since 2000

A version of this story originally appeared in The Michigan Chronicle.


The National Bureau of Labor Statistics' November 2022 unemployment figures show that 底特律's unemployment rate had fallen to 6.当月4%. That marks the first time since December 2000 that 底特律's unemployment rate fell below 7 percent.

The numbers show sustained progress on 底特律's unemployment front from the height of the COVID pandemic in May of 2020, 当时纽约市的失业率飙升至38%以上.

Despite the progress, Mayor Duggan 说 he believes even more progress is possible. “底特律的工作 currently has more than 8,400 jobs available today. For the first time in my lifetime, we have a job available for every 底特律er who wants one."

底特律's trend of a continued strengthening economy is based largely on its ongoing success attracting good paying jobs to 底特律. In 2023, 该市预计将再增加1个,200 jobs at the Amazon distribution center at the state fairgrounds and break ground on a new employment center at the site of the former AMC headquarters, 预计将提供多达400个新工作岗位. Lear's new seating facility on the site of the former Cadillac Stamping Plant also is expected to reach full employment of at least 400 in 2023.



妮可Sherard-Freeman, 市长工作小组主管, 经济和底特律的工作, 说 the city's unemployment numbers continue to improve in large part because of broad spectrum of training and other supportive services that are helping 底特律ers prepare for the 8,目前有400个工作机会. 该市的劳动力发展计划, 底特律的工作, helps create career opportunities for 底特律ers at all levels of education, 经验, 和技能, 并为雇主提供高素质人才管道.

今天, dozens of free training programs are available at 底特律的工作's website in construction/skilled trades, 卫生保健, 信息技术, 制造业, 运输, 和好客. 底特律ers also can call 313-962-WORK or visit any of the nine 底特律 At Work career centers across the city to learn more or to get enrolled.

凯伦·班克斯(Karen Banks)在底特律工作时失业了, 不久就被马杰雷尔聘用了, a Fortune 500 Company that recently announced the opening of a 底特律 office and a commitment to prioritize hiring 底特律ers. 班克斯说:“为马杰雷尔工作是一种独特的经历. 他们非常热情. 我很兴奋,并期待在公司里成长."

“最终, 人才是我们来到底特律的原因,——格斯·吉卡斯, majrel北美业务副总裁, 说. “You can train employees on the technical side of customer service, 但要成功扮演好这个角色需要同情心, 合作的态度, 积极思考. 底特律的工作 has outperformed our expectations and helped us get up and running with a pool of 底特律ers who possess these qualities. We currently have over 575 team members and this would not have been possible without the strength of our partnership with 底特律的工作!"

Hundreds of local companies are hiring today, right here in the City of 底特律. These companies say the 底特律ers they are bringing in through the 底特律的工作 talent pipeline are exceeding expectations.




底特律ers can earn their diploma or GED while receiving a stipend and explore their options for training or new job opportunities immediately after graduating.

With 20 hours per week, participants can earn a GED/diploma in as little as 4-6 months.

Participants can also build skills that help find a new or better job after earning a GED/diploma. A career coach helps participants explore training and career options.


其他可用的支持包括笔记本电脑, 上网和交通方面的帮助, 以及转介儿童保育.


生活技能 is a program launched by the Mayor at the end of 2021.

生活技能 has two ways to help job seekers on their career path:

  • 参与者可以选择, 一周两天, to attend GED prep or Skills Refresh to complete their education or pursue a training certification.
  • Participants will also work with the City of 底特律's General Services Department the other three days a week, 学习有价值的技能,为自己的简历增色.

这些职位的起薪是每小时15美元,从毕业后开始, 参与者每小时最高可赚20-25美元.


  • 12bet官方 launched its new virtual call center in 底特律's Corktown neighborhood–the very first in the U.S.–expanding its already proven commitment to 底特律 and 底特律ers.
  • 将底特律的工作作为其唯一的人才来源, 该银行已经雇佣了50名全职新员工, 在家工作的客户专员和客户主管, 起薪22美元.每小时50美元,每年的福利总额约为1.6万美元.
  • 随着业务的增长,预计会有更多的员工.
  • The new call center also provides an opportunity for 底特律ers with a criminal background. Recently, 12bet官方 has removed all questions about criminal backgrounds from job applications. Second Chance hires represent approximately 10 percent of 追逐's new hires in the U.S. 在过去的三年里.
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