Ira Pandey


Ira Pandey

Program Manager, Human Resources

Ira Pandey认为自己很幸运:作为研究生项目的一部分,她于2019年在12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)实习, 2020年4月,她收到了公司的全职工作邀请.

And then COVID hit.

她说:“在那段时间里,很多公司都撤销了报价,或者推迟了加入日期。. “但12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)没有这么做,我的虚拟入职过程非常顺利."

It was a difficult time to start a new job, but it also gave her a useful introduction to the company, where she works in Human Resources. "It really helped that I did my internship in person, because I got to know some people from that experience," Ira says. “否则,融入公司可能会有点困难."

三年多过去了——在这期间,她的培训项目让她能够在公司里探索不同的角色——她甚至更快乐了. “这让我对人力资源部门有了很多了解, and I like that it's a global role as well," she says regarding her program. "It's quite interesting so far."

  • Work location: Bengaluru, India
  • Major: Information Technology and Management
  • University: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University
  • Favorite breakfast food: Oats
  • Top travel destination: Iceland
  • Languages spoken: English and Hindi
  • Favorite ice cream flavor: Custard apple (Favorite Indian local brand)
  • Favorite coffee beverage: Java Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks
  • Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Favorite hobby: Reading, working out at the gym and yoga
  • Job in a nutshell: 我在人力资源部的员工数字化和服务体验团队工作. 我的团队对人才招聘部门的流程进行了改造和优化.

Collage Image of Ira Pandey favs

What has your path been like at JPMorgan Chase?
作为我研究生文凭的一部分,我们必须在第一年结束时实习两个月. 包括12bet官方在内的许多公司都来校园招聘暑期分析师, and I was hired after attending one of those recruitment events. 我在孟买的公司中心实习了两个月, 第二年,他们让我回去做全职分析师.

我加入公司是作为人力资源分析师发展项目的一部分, 你将在不同部门完成三次轮岗, 然后在人力资源部继续担任职务. My first role was as an HR business partner, where I was assigned to work with a specific line of business, providing strategic partnership on various initiatives. I did that role for about a year. 然后我进入了校园招聘空间,实际上得到了一个从我自己的研究生项目招聘的机会. I went back to my campus but this time, 作为一名招聘人员,我站在桌子的另一边——这让我感到很惭愧.

For my third rotation, in which I was promoted to an Associate, I worked in HR operations, 也被称为员工数字化和服务体验(EDSE). EDSE provides vital services in an employee's journey at the firm, 从提高新加入的经验,以确保顺利登机. In my specific job, 我研究这些现有的人力资源流程,并尝试优化或自动化它们, making them better and more efficient.

Why did you choose JPMorgan Chase?
I interviewed with JPMorgan Chase because of the brand, which speaks for itself, 但我也认识几个以前的学生,他们已经参加了分析师发展项目,并从他们那里听到了很多关于这个项目的好消息.

我认为在印度没有任何其他项目能提供同样的人力资源领域的机会. Usually at other firms, you join as a management trainee, 完成一个为期一年的管理项目,你将在两个月的时间里担任不同的角色. 我很幸运地进入了12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)的一个轮岗项目,在那里你需要在一个岗位上工作八到九个月, which I really like. 轮岗给了我足够的时间来真正理解这个角色,并通过它做出改变, and we get to try three different ones. That really intrigued me and made it very interesting.

它是专业的,建立的,有适当的流程,所以没有任何事情是随机发生的. But it's not regimented.

每个人都有一个明确的角色,但如果你有不同的意见,人们会听你的. 他们一直在我们所有的团队会议和领导访问中告诉我们, if you have a question, please feel free to ask, and if you have a suggestion or recommendation, make it. Being heard is a big part of growing professionally.

人们也很有帮助:我记得在最初的几个月里有无数的问题. If my manager did not know the answers, 他会把我介绍给我可以寻求帮助的人. I realized people are not hesitant to talk even if you're new. 我可以很容易地通过在线聊天或跳上一个缩放电话联系. 我遇到的每个人都非常积极,总是愿意帮助我.

What keeps you at JPMorgan Chase?
I get to learn every day—something new keeps coming my way. 这一点也不单调,我也不觉得自己是在拖时间,或者是为了工作而工作. I'm enjoying as I learn. 我也喜欢与遍布世界各地的团队合作时所获得的全球曝光, 我们的目标是提供一流的员工体验,同时了解在建立这些体验过程中的文化差异.

我一直很幸运地拥有支持我的经理. When you are new to a role, your manager is the person you look up to, and who helps you to navigate and understand your role better. When I made mistakes, 我感到很舒服,能够告诉他们,并共同理解如何解决这个问题. The opportunity to learn, 在一个支持性的环境中成长和建立自己的职业生涯是我最喜欢这家公司的一点.

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