


面试可能是一种令人畏惧的经历, and in an age of virtual interviews we're all getting used to a new way of connecting with our potential employers.

通过屏幕给人留下深刻印象的最好方法是什么? 在面试中获胜的风度有哪些是不变的呢? We asked some of our hiring managers and recruitment leads across the globe to share their top tips.

Sarah Wu, Campus Recruiting |新加坡

准备面试的最佳方法是什么? 围绕你作为候选人的不同之处,阐述你的故事.  Be ready to talk to specific examples from your previous experience that reflect transferrable skills to the opportunity you are applying for.

Thinking about previous candidates you interviewed, what made some stand out more than others? 有一些突出的特点! 有很强的人际关系建立能力的候选人, deal with ambiguity and flex in new environments and demonstrate professional maturity, 自信和良好的职业道德更容易脱颖而出.

关于虚拟/视频面试的建议? 在视频面试中一定要充分利用无限的练习机会. Our interview process is also a way for you to learn more about us too so come prepared and have questions ready.

Can you share your personal biggest interview ‘fail’ and what you learned from it? Humor is a great way to foster affiliation but can be highly complicated and culturally defined. Be mindful and respectful – it can be easy to ruin an interview with a throw away comment!

面试者问过你的最有趣的问题? 你如何评价公司的成功?

Humor is a great way to foster affiliation but can be highly complicated and culturally defined. Be mindful and respectful – it can be easy to ruin an interview with a throw away comment!

Nina Valanju,项目管理|英国

准备面试的最佳方法是什么? 在任何面试之前,调查都是非常重要的.  This covers a) the company:  any relevant information that can demonstrate your knowledge for example, 摘自新闻文章, 趋势, competitor analysis  b) the role: reviewing the job description and understanding what is required and more importantly, 你的技能是如何满足这些要求的,  人脉:如果你认识目前在这家公司工作的人, 然后联系他们了解更多的背景是非常有用的.

Thinking about previous candidates you interviewed, what made some stand out more than others? 了解职位和公司是非常重要的, 但最重要的是, those that display enthusiasm or are engaging during the interview do stand out. 除了, candidates who ask questions really show genuine interest to know more and strong desire to get the job.

关于虚拟/视频面试的建议? Some tips for face-to-face interviews are still valid such as dressing smartly, 微笑/点头/倾听并按时参加会议.  Other tips for virtual interviews include making sure the camera is correctly set along with the right lighting, 看着镜头,而不是其他地方, checking internet connection beforehand and having a professional-looking background/virtual background.

Can you share your personal biggest interview ‘fail’ and what you learned from it? Being very nervous for an interview has meant I haven’t answered questions to the best of my ability. Since then I have realized that taking time to answer a question is essential and definitely not frowned upon – interviewers do not mind if you say you need a few seconds to think and answer.

面试官问过的最有趣的问题? 我有两个问题永远不会忘记……

1)咨询公司面试的时候, 其中一位让我估算一下伦敦眼的年收入. Breaking the question down into constituent parts and of course not panicking, helped me solve it! 

2) The second was a really tough one – “what is one question that you wouldn’t want me to ask you?”

了解职位和公司是非常重要的, 但最重要的是, those that display enthusiasm or are engaging during the interview do stand out.

Albert Batiancela, Campus Recruiting |新加坡

准备面试的最佳方法是什么? The best way to prepare for an interview is to understand yourself and what you can actually bring to the table. 列出你的优势,是什么激励着你,以及你的发展领域. 对公司有更多的了解也是件好事. 不仅仅是通过阅读事实,还有价值观 & 文化与你产生共鸣? 你喜欢我们公司的哪些方面?

Another way to prepare for an interview is to check the actual job description. You need to understand what is expected of you and know what you’re actually signing up for!

Thinking about previous candidates you interviewed, what made some stand out more than others? 激情! 好与伟大的区别在于激情. 充满激情的候选人很容易表现出他们的兴奋, 能源, 以及他们在面试中的真诚程度.

关于虚拟/视频面试的建议? 实践! I strongly recommend to utilize the pre-test/practice questions until you are confident enough to take the actual virtual interview. 每次面试都很关键,确保你在每个阶段都准备充分!

Can you share your personal biggest interview ‘fail’ and what you learned from it? 必要时澄清问题——如果你不清楚某个问题, make sure to clarify by asking to repeat just make sure you understand what is actually being asked. I remember I was asked a competency question last time and I was not 100% clear on the question and I still attempted to answer, 最后我很尴尬, 纠正, 也没给面试官留张好纸条.

必要时澄清问题——如果你不清楚某个问题, make sure to clarify by asking to repeat just make sure you understand what is actually being asked.

Rusty Wu,软件工程|新加坡

准备面试的最佳方法是什么? 除了温习一下你的技术技能, I think it is also important to be well-prepared for the commonly asked questions. Make the stories of your experience sound intelligent and natural and show what you can offer, 有具体的例子.

Thinking about previous candidates you interviewed, what made some stand out more than others? The ones that stood out for me were able to show they have done extensive research on the role & 并提出独特的问题. 这体现了应聘者的热情和体贴.

关于虚拟/视频面试的建议? Be prepared with the technology setup, dress accordingly and try to find ways to establish rapport.

Can you share your personal biggest interview ‘fail’ and what you learned from it? 和许多人一样,我在面试时也会感到紧张. This means at times I may lose my calmness and rush over the details when trying to answer the technical questions. 而显而易见的教训是保持冷静, I think the bigger lesson would be to practice and prepare well in advance for a better mindset.

面试者问过你的最有趣的问题? “你职业生涯中最大的成就是什么??——这让我措手不及,感觉自己反而成了被面试者!


Lewis Omboga,校园招聘|北美

准备面试的最佳方法是什么? 模拟面试行为问题.

Thinking about previous candidates you interviewed, what made some stand out more than others? I found it best when candidates answered questions using the STAR (Situation, 任务, 行动, 和结果)方法.

关于虚拟/视频面试的建议? 根据职位描述了解你面试的是什么. 你也可以考虑自己进行一次预面试. Use your phone to record yourself answering questions then watch the footage and make any changes you deem fit.

Can you share your personal biggest interview ‘fail’ and what you learned from it? My biggest interview fail was going blank when answering an interview question. I couldn’t for the life of me think of the right way to answer this question. 所以我让面试官再问一遍这个问题,给我更多的时间. What I learned from this is that this happens to almost everyone and most interviewers will understand this.

Use your phone to record yourself answering questions then watch the footage and make any changes you deem fit.


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