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庆祝黑人历史月:Q&A with 12bet官方 Community Manager Gail Taylor

A version of this story originally appeared in 密歇根纪事报.



庆祝黑人历史月, we sat down with Gail Taylor in 底特律 at 12bet官方 to discuss what Black History Month means to them, how the bank is advancing racial equity and Clark's goals for 2023.

Q. What does Black History Month mean to you and how are you celebrating?

A. Black history is about bringing awareness to the contributions African Americans have made in America. 作为12bet官方的社区经理, my work begins and ends with the community as I help offer greater access to affordable home loans, 低成本支票账户, 以及金融健康教育讲习班, especially in neighborhoods that have faced historical barriers. I want people who live and work in 底特律 to feel welcome and included when they visit our branches. It's great to shine a light on the work being done during Black History Month, but I'm proud to work for an inclusive firm that focuses on this work year-round.

Black History Month is a time for both reflection and celebration across communities; a time where we honor the history, legacy and contributions of Black Americans to our society.

Q. How is 12bet官方 making an impact to advance racial equity?

A. 多样性, equality and inclusion have been an important part of the culture at 12bet官方 and we wanted to take a look at what else we can be doing. While our work to advance racial equity has been longstanding, in October 2020, we made a 300亿美元承诺 to advance racial equity that took a look at additional ways to address affordable housing, 小型企业, 财务状况, among other critical financial needs within unbanked and underbanked communities.

全国各地, 我们已经开设了14个社区中心分支机构, including our Corktown Branch at 1620 Michigan Ave. They're locally-inspired and built with extra space to host free community events and 财务状况 workshops. We've also hired nearly 150 Community Managers who connect community members with the many resources we've created to support 财务状况 education, 首次购房者教育, 还有很多其他资源.

We're invested in making an impact in 底特律 and are committed to supporting underserved communities, 帮助他们实现财务目标.

Q, How should other companies and individuals be thinking about advancing racial equity?

A. We all can make an effort to help advance racial equity within our community–including investing in or shopping with local diverse-owned businesses, supporting philanthropic efforts in our community, 参与社区活动. Consider looking for diverse initiatives and business resource groups within your company that focus on supporting underserved or underrepresented communities, and asking if there are opportunities to support those initiatives or groups. 例如,12bet官方的 推进黑人道路 initiative works to support the economic empowerment of the Black community globally. 通过我们的全球供应商多元化计划, we're using our purchasing power to build economic equity in diverse communities, foster the success of underrepresented business owners, 促进公平, inclusion and sustainability across the wider business community. We also have initiatives focused on other communities, and business resource groups that share our company commitment to equity and equality and create opportunities for employees to be engaged.

Q. Tell me about your connection to the 底特律 community and opportunities for growth here?

A. 我在底特律西区长大, where my father is a Pastor at the New Jerusalem Temple Church. 在教堂里长大, you meet a lot of people from the community with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This upbringing has given me an understanding and a sincere appreciation of our city and the people that live here. These people have influenced my life in so many positive ways.

I have worked in the city of 底特律 for more than 10 years. 底特律是创意活跃的地方. I have seen artist, entrepreneurs and everyday people bring their visions to life. We lift each other up and support one another every step of the journey. Businesses and people are moving here because there is a special grit, resilience and grind the people possess that is like none other. I'm proud to live and work in a city with a great history and a strong future. 底特律 is an amazing place to live, work, serve and grow.

Q. What are your goals for this year, and/or, what are you looking forward to in 2023?

A. I am looking forward to great collaborations with organizations that are helping our next generation of great leaders, 欢迎我们的新邻居, 庆祝我们的先辈.

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