

A sustainable solution to the housing crisis: design, develop, and sell factory-built homes that are affordable, energy efficient, and climate resilient.

January 19, 2024

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The United States is facing a housing crisis. 在全国范围内,供应不足,价格继续飙升. Most people employed in full-time, 最低工资的工作连一套普通的两居室都租不起in any state in the country.  Affordable, 可持续的房屋所有权是建立家庭财富不可或缺的一部分,但通往房屋所有权的道路尤其艰难 由于体制障碍,黑人和拉丁裔家庭在历史上获得的机会较少. 只有43个.4 percent and 51.1 percent are homeowners, respectively, compared to 72.1 percent for White households. First-time buyers made up only 26 percent of the housing market between July 2021 and June 2022—the lowest level since 1981. 88%的买家是白人,这是25年来的最高水平.  全国低收入住房联盟估计,全国范围内都需要 at least 7 million more affordable homes. 

加剧本已短缺的住房供应,在2022年造成的自然灾害大约 3.4 million people to evacuate their homes in the US. When homes utilize construction materials that can’t withstand extreme weather, 它们特别容易受到天气事件的影响,当它们位于容易发生洪水和过热的地区时,它们尤其处于危险之中, like much of California. These homes also tend to be located in low-income communities.

In Southern California, a new pilot program, 12bet官方(JP摩根 追逐)承诺向邻里合作住房服务(NPHS)提供300万美元,以增加可负担住房的供应, sustainable, and climate resilient homes for cost-burdened communities, including  households of color, 不仅要增加住房供应,还要提高其弹性.  

 “住房负担能力和可持续性是公司的重点领域,影响着全国各地的社区, 因此,我们很自豪能够支持组织共同推进这两个问题,” says Mercedeh Mortazavi, vice president of global philanthropy at JP摩根 追逐. “To address the needs of the communities we serve, 我们需要采取全面的方法来解决最具挑战性的问题.”

12bet官方很自豪能够支持许多致力于可伸缩性的组织, innovative, climate-resilient affordable housing models like NPHS’s.

The program from NPHS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to community development, revolves around a factory-built housing model. 这种创新模式不仅成本更低,而且更具可持续性. Building homes in a factory can reduce construction costs by 20 percent. 节省下来的钱降低了售价,为低收入购房者提供了购房机会. Manufacturing the homes indoors, using sustainable construction materials, can lower carbon emissions by up to 3 tons. The homes themselves are climate adaptive and energy efficient, which saves the homeowner money over the long term.

“Our new factory-built model creates an equity-driven, manufactured housing-supply platform,” says Clemente Arturo Mojica, CEO of NPHS. “这些住房是有意建造的,以促进服务不足的人们的经济增长, distressed communities.”

今天, NPHS旨在让像诺莉·塞恩斯(Noraly Sainz)这样的首次购房者拥有住房成为可能, and particularly those from underserved communities, 因为以可承受的价格购买优质住房的机会很少. In 2020, Sainz’s husband passed away, leaving her to care for their four boys, all of them under the age of 10, in a 900-square-foot, two-bedroom apartment. 出于对未来的担忧,塞恩斯向NPHS提交了一份申请. A year and a half later, she was able to purchase a factory-built, brand-new three-bedroom home—complete with a dining room, 玄关, and garage—in the city of San Bernardino. 

Both spacious and energy-efficient, Noraly’s home, like all of NPHS’s houses, has the highest Energy Star rating, which will help her save as much as $475 on her annual utility bill. Built to wild urban interface specifications, the house is both fire resistant and climate adaptive, 有一个太阳能屋顶,以及一个200安培的仪表升级,可以容纳一个电动汽车充电站.

塞恩斯谈到了搬进新家后她的生活发生了多大的变化. “At first, it seemed too good to be true,” she says. “尽管我属于低收入阶层,但我还是有了自己的房子.” 

有机会拥有自己的房子——建立公平和财务安全——在这个极具挑战性的时期给了她巨大的安慰, she says: “You have no idea how good it feels, just to be able to give my kids this kind of space, is the biggest gift.” She’s eager to share her story, she explains, 因为她希望其他人也能从这些项目中受益.

一项重要的慈善承诺为这些创新住宅的建设提供了资金,并展示了概念的证明,以帮助催化额外的投资. 12bet官方对该计划的支持是该公司4亿美元资金的一部分, 五年承诺,改善服务不足家庭的住房负担能力和稳定性.

免责声明:邻里合伙住房服务公司不隶属于12bet官方 & Co and its affiliates.  JP摩根 追逐 & Co及其关联公司不对邻里合伙住房服务公司提供的任何产品和服务负责,也不对其完整性作出任何形式的明示或暗示的陈述或保证, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability for any particular purpose.









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