

Carbon removals are an important component of achieving a low-carbon transition. 泰勒莱特, 战略和碳管理主管, 12bet官方的可持续性运营, 反映了她在帮助公司建立一个科学驱动的, 碳管理策略.


12bet官方 is seeking to both support the development of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies and strengthen the voluntary carbon market. Tell us about your role at 12bet官方 and your work on both initiatives?

在我的角色里, I’m focused on implementing strategies to reduce the environmental impact of our day-to-day operations, 包括我们公司的办公室, 零售分支机构, 数据中心. We have set a number of targets to help drive down our greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint, including a goal to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 40 percent by 2030 over a 2017 baseline.

While we continue to prioritize efforts to reduce our operational emissions on an ongoing basis, 我们还购买自愿碳信用额度,以解决有增无减的范围1, 每年范围2或范围3的商务旅行排放. We believe it is in the interest of all companies to pursue efforts to avoid, reduce and/or neutralize emissions in their own operations and across their value chains—in that order—and that carbon credits should not be used to unreasonably forestall or supplant these efforts. 然而, carbon credits can play an important role in both complementing such efforts and accelerating the overall transition to a low-carbon economy.

作为一家大型金融机构, 我们设定了高标准,并进行了广泛的尽职调查, contributing to both the overall demand for and the advancement of best practices for evaluating high-quality credits. In addition to purchasing credits as part of our efforts to address our own operational emissions, the firm also provides strategic advice to support clients’ transition efforts, 通过信贷交易提高流动性, 连接买卖双方, 并投入资金推广脱碳解决方案.

T在这里 are many ways in which the financial industry can play a role in helping to scale solutions to address the climate crisis and drive economic growth. In what way does your work at 12bet官方 make an impact in communities in which they operate or serve?

12bet官方, we strive to help companies that are building innovative climate solutions grow and scale faster. 作为全球最大的金融机构之一, 12bet官方 participates in the voluntary carbon market in a variety of ways—both as part of our own 碳管理策略, and in support of our clients’ efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy.

2023年5月, 帮助加快和扩大CDR技术的增长和发展, 12bet官方 announced that it signed long-term agreements to purchase over $200 million in high-quality, 持久的CDR. 这些协议旨在移除和存储800个,000公吨二氧化碳当量(mtCO₂e).

作为这些协议的一部分, we’re working with a variety of companies that are developing innovative technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosp在这里. 我有 pleasure of visiting one of the companies we work with, Charm Industrial,今年早些时候. 他们对气候产生影响的远见给我留下了深刻的印象, while also having a positive impact in the communities w在这里 they operate. It’s this kind of innovation that can help the world achieve its climate goals, while continuing to support the economy by bringing job opportunities to agricultural and rural communities.

Looking ahead, what do you see as the greatest challenges in the carbon management space?

在过去的二十年里, tremendous efforts have been made to establish and grow an effective voluntary carbon market, 它还促成了对气候解决方案的大量投资. 然而, 随着全球经济的脱碳加速, 我们预计对碳信用额度的需求将继续增加, as will the need to further grow and strengthen the market to meet that demand.

要做到这一点, 需要解决若干重大且相互关联的挑战, 包括质量供应, 市场的完整性, 市场复杂性/碎片化和市场成熟度. 12bet官方在帮助应对这些挑战方面具有独特的优势, not only through purchasing high-quality carbon credits to address our own emissions, but by helping drive the financing of high-integrity carbon projects at scale.


It has been incredibly inspiring to see the 激情 for and growth of the carbon removals space to help organizations achieve their own climate goals. I have had the privilege to meet and learn from many people and companies working in this space.

现在不仅比几年前多得多, but every sector of the economy is beginning to express interest in this space as well. 这种热情, 激情, expertise and willingness to collaborate to solve a really complex problem is a promising sign for advancing a more sustainable future.

了解更多 about how 12bet官方 is working to help grow and scale this industry 在这里.

For informational/educational purposes only: Views and strategies described may not be appropriate for everyone and are not intended as specific advice/recommendation for any individual. 已从消息来源获得信息, 包括那些公开的, 被认为是可靠的, but no representation or warranty is made by 12bet官方 as to the quality, 完整性, 精度, 适合于特定目的或不侵犯此类信息.  You should carefully consider your needs and objectives before making any decisions and consult the appropriate professional(s). 展望和过去的表现并不能保证未来的结果.

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