

With support from JPMorgan Chase, this Columbus community worked together to expand housing options, support entrepreneurs, 促进更多的社区投资并支持居民健康.

June 9, 2023

Founded in 1908, the northeast Columbus, Ohio neighborhood of Linden grew into a haven of affordable homes, small businesses and community amenities, 最终成为居民通勤到市中心的一个舒适的休息场所. Then, a combination of suburban subsidies, 高速公路建设和契约限制吸引了更多富裕的房主. Linden, like neighborhoods in many cities across the country, began a decades-long decline into unemployment, shuttered shops, decreasing population, and increasing divestments.

Until now.

In 2017, as part of Mayor Andrew J. 金瑟对哥伦布社区的关注,一项全面的社区规划工作, the One Linden Plan, 勾勒出一个路线图,让我们回到最重要的事情上——安全的社区, economic development, affordable housing, quality healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. That framework resulted in the 614 for Linden, 这个名字来源于六个非营利组织和四个社区发展金融机构(CDFIs)的共同努力。, 谁的重点是重建社区,以服务现有居民和吸引新投资的方式.

“林登的614正是我们希望一个林登社区计划所做的,为社区带来额外的投资,” said Carla Williams-Scott, Director of the City of Columbus Department of Neighborhoods. “这种合作在推进稳定和扩大住房选择的重要举措方面发挥了关键作用, 增加获得健康食品的机会,加强小企业.

Catalyzed by a $5 million philanthropic investment from JPMorgan Chase, 林登的614从哥伦布市筹集了超过2500万美元的资金, CareSource, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 社区投资中心和其他有共同愿景的机构来帮助林登茁壮成长. JPMorgan Chase’s investment is part of its $400 million, five-year commitment 重点是促进住房稳定,提高黑人的住房负担能力, Hispanic and Latinos to counter the affordable housing crisis that has been unfolding for years, disproportionally impacting many households of color.

“Historically, Linden hasn’t had much attention or investment,” explains Courtney Falato, program officer for Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase. “我们看到,该地区不仅是哥伦布社区的富人区,而且投资时机已经成熟, 社区已经参与了“一个林登计划”中确定的大想法. 我们在三年投资周期中取得的所有成功都发生在COVID期间,这不是一件小事. 尽管面临种种挑战,我们还是能够勇往直前,并产生了相当大的影响.”


More Affordable Housing Options: To date, 该合作项目建造了214套经济适用房,并保存或修复了230套经济适用房. 这些新建和修复的住房将提供给收入在该地区中位数收入的80%或以下的家庭, 在火热的住房市场中提供关键的经济适用房选择.

Rapid Re-Housing: During the pandemic, 林登614重新分配了一些赠款资金,为当地居民提供紧急租金和公用事业援助, 帮助人们呆在家里,这样他们就可以专注于保持健康,重返工作岗位.

Home Repair Assistance: 从一开始,支持现有的林登房主就是合作的首要任务. 林登的房屋维修补助金为房主提供了获得急需的外部维修的机会,否则他们可能负担不起. 截至2022年12月,该合作组织已经完成了81次房屋维修.

Fresh Food Access: 疫情迫使全国许多家庭寻求粮食援助. 林登的614号法案提供了支持,将一个空置的杂货店改造成林登新鲜食品市场——一个感觉更像杂货店体验的食品储藏室, with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products, as well as a free pharmacy. 吸引一个传统的全方位服务的杂货店,以改善获得营养食品的机会,仍然是一个希望的行动项目,为家庭在一个林登计划地理.

Small Business Assistance: Small businesses were also hard hit by the pandemic, 许多公司要么面临销售急剧下滑,要么面临需求急遽增加的局面. 该合作组织提供技术援助,帮助企业家渡过危机,并提供小额贷款购买设备, scale production, or pivot operations. 

获得安全和负担得起的住房——这将带来更好的健康, education, earnings, and other measures of well-being—takes root in Linden, former residents are moving back into the community. Along with a growing international population, they are spurring a reinvigorated small business corridor.

“Linden has always been a very engaged community. The folks here are interested in how we can build wealth in Linden, for Linden, and by Linden,” says Aaron Murphy, the Vice President of Ohio Capital Finance Corporation, the lending affiliate of Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, a founding member of the 614 for Linden collaboration. 

林登614的成功依赖于每个参与的人相互分享信息和资源,” Falato says. “我们正在与社区的需求合作——现在和未来——前沿和中心.”

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