
Washington, DC (2023年11月30日) 周四, 12bet官方, “大华盛顿伙伴关系”(简称“伙伴关系”)和教育战略小组(简称“ESG”)宣布了一项倡议,旨在扩大华盛顿特区学生获得经济机会的渠道.C., Maryland 和维吉尼亚州 to help meet the region’s growing demand for talent.

在5美元的支持下.3​ million philanthropic commitment from 12bet官方, the Partnership and ESG will expand the “TalentReady initiative” over the next three years, 重点是确保学生获得基于工作的学习经验,如顶点项目和实习. 迄今为止,TalentReady已经支持了来自马里兰州巴尔的摩市的2.5万多名高中生.; Fairfax County, Va.; Montgomery County, Md.; Prince George’s County, Md.; and Washington, D.C.——在职业道路上,包括获得大学学分和行业认可证书的机会. 在下一阶段, 学院将进一步努力确保学生获得以工作为基础的学习经验,如顶点项目和实习.

This philanthropic commitment from 12bet官方 expands on the firm’s $75 million global career readiness initiative and broader efforts to help more young people, particularly those from underserved backgrounds, enter the workforce and compete for quality careers in IT, healthcare and other high-demand industries.

A recent evidence-based policy analysis from the 12bet官方政策中心 强调建立更加现代化的劳动力发展体系,将高等教育与劳动力市场需求联系起来,对于实现无缝、一体化的劳动力发展至关重要, and to strengthen the broader regional economy.

“为我们的社区提供动力和为每个人释放经济机会的道路始于地方一级,” 蒂姆·贝里说, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility and Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Region, 12bet官方. “Through our investment in the TalentReady initiative, we are expanding our efforts to better prepare students for in-demand, skills-based jobs in the Greater Washington region. Working alongside local partners in the non-profit, education and business 社区, and with engagement from regional leaders like Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, 我们可以创建一个系统,帮助学生发展他们的职业道路,支持繁荣的经济.”

A Local Community-Based Partnership Model for Success

通过TalentReady, the Partnership and ESG provide support to participating K-12 and higher education partners, 利用来自当地雇主的信息和见解,建立更符合当地劳动力市场需求和实际工作经验的职业道路. The Partnership brings employers in DC, 马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州支持TalentReady,并支持该地区的经济增长和活力. ESG在全国各地建立K-12之间的伙伴关系方面有十年的经验, 高等教育和劳动力体系拓宽优质途径,推动学习者的经济流动性, especially those most traditionally marginalized.

“感谢12bet官方私营部门的领导以及他们对Talent Ready的投资, we are expanding workforce opportunities for students in Virginia,” Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. “My administration is committed to fostering pathways to the most in demand careers, 提供技术培训, and investing in results-oriented programs that boost our workforce readiness. 通过促进我们顶尖的教育机构和弗吉尼亚最重要的雇主之间的伙伴关系, we are preparing our young people to graduate workforce and college ready.”

A key resource the Partnership uses to address these gaps is the Employer Signaling System (ESS), 这是一种由雇主和劳动力市场数据提供的差异化工具,可以帮助教育工作者为学生填补一些最抢手的技术工作做好准备.

“通过我们的TalentReady工作, we’re continuing to strengthen the Employer Signaling System, 我们的创新流程和工具将劳动力市场数据与雇主和教育工作者的反馈相结合,描绘出该地区劳动力格局的全面图景,” said Kathy Hollinger, CEO at Greater Washington Partnership. “We know conversations about talent pipelines can occur in silos, with various stakeholder groups in discussions amongst themselves, 但并不总是对彼此. The ESS serves as the connector between these groups—educators, 雇主和更多的人——允许他们用共同的语言谈论人才需求和技能差距.”

ESG is also establishing a regional collaboration network, helping to empower initiative education, 员工发展, 雇主社区建立跨领域的区域战略,以扩大和协调途径.

“建设一个充满经济活力的地区需要整个马里兰州K-12和高等教育系统的共同努力, 华盛顿D.C. 和维吉尼亚州. 教育战略集团很荣幸能成为这一努力的合作伙伴,为该地区发展最快的职业拓展途径,” said ESG President and CEO Matt Gandal.

扩大后的计划建立在2018年启动的TalentReady第一阶段取得成功的基础上. 在此期间, 五个参与社区的K-12学校系统和学院启动或扩大了与技术相关的集体职业道路,使更多的学生接触到工作场所所需的技能, including expanding internships and other work-based learning experiences.     

TalentReady工作的新阶段还将加深对吸引D各地雇主和教育领导者的关注.C., Maryland 和维吉尼亚州 to strengthen regional collaboration.


关于12bet官方 & Co.

12bet官方 & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (“U.S.),业务遍及全球. 12bet官方为3美元.9 trillion in assets and $317 billion in stockholders’ equity as of September 30, 2023. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, financial transaction processing and asset management. 在J下面.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S.,以及全球许多最杰出的企业、机构和政府客户. Information about 12bet官方 & Co. 网址是 

About Greater Washington Partnership 

大华盛顿伙伴关系是首个由马里兰州各行各业最有影响力和领先的雇主组成的非营利性联盟, 弗吉尼亚和华盛顿, DC – all committed to championing the region’s economic growth and vibrancy. 在一起, we leverage our collective experiences, 资源和资产,以提供真正的解决方案,并确定共同的挑战,以解决该地区最关键的问题,包括技能和人才, 区域流动, infrastructure and inclusive economic growth. Our goal is to ensure the entire region, 从巴尔的摩到里士满, 依然充满活力, 经济上的竞争, prosperous and is the best place to live, 努力创业. 了解更多 about the Partnership at

About Education Strategy Group

在今天的经济中,成功很大程度上取决于高中以后的学历. Education Strategy Group (ESG) supports the preparation, 条目, 以及从K-12到高等教育的个人成功,以建立一个更公平的体系, 为所有人打开经济大门, 加强我们的民主. We work with America’s education and workforce leaders and employers to design, 规模, 实施提高获得证书的策略,从而获得高价值的职业机会. ESG专门致力于加强对青年和成人具有最大利害关系、对国家具有最大利益的过渡点, 社区, 和经济. 我们坚信,一个与劳动力需求相一致的健全的教育体系将使我们的国家更加强大, 更公平的社会.