
In a Housing Crisis, Building More 负担得起的 and Sustainable Homes is a Solution

住房危机的可持续解决方案:设计, 开发, 并出售价格合理的工厂建造房屋, 能源效率, 气候适应能力强.




 In a Housing Crisis, Building More 负担得起的 and Sustainable Homes is a Solution

美国正面临着住房危机. Across the country, supply is scarce and prices continue to soar. 大多数人都是全职工作, minimum-wage jobs can’t afford to rent even a modest 两间卧室的公寓—在任何一个州 在乡下.  负担得起的, 可持续发展的 homeownership is integral to building household wealth but the path to homeownership is especially difficult for Black and Latino households who historically have had less access due to systemic barriers. 只有43个.4%和51%.分别有1%的人是房主,而72%的人是房主.白人家庭占1%. 首次购房者构成 只有26%的房地产市场 2021年7月至2022年6月,为1981年以来的最低水平. 88 percent of those buyers were white—the highest level in 25 years.  The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that there’s a need nationwide for 至少700万 更多经济适用房. 

Exacerbating the already short housing supply, in 2022 natural disasters caused approximately 3.400万人撤离家园 在美国. 当家庭使用 不能承受极端天气的建筑材料, they are especially vulnerable to weather events and are particularly at risk when they’re located in regions prone to flooding and excessive heat, 就像加州的大部分地区一样. 这些家庭也倾向于 位于低收入社区.

在南加州, 新的试点项目, supported by a $3 million commitment to Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services (NPHS) from 12bet官方 to increase the supply of affordable, 可持续发展的, 为负担沉重的社区提供适应气候变化的住房, 包括有色人种家庭, is seeking to not only increase housing supply but also its resiliency.  

 “Housing affordability and sustainability are focus areas of the firm and affect communities across the country, so we’re proud to support organizations advancing both issues together,梅塞德·莫塔扎维说, 12bet官方全球慈善事业副总裁. “为了满足我们所服务的社区的需求, we need to have holistic approaches to solving the most challenging issues.”

12bet官方 is proud to support a number of organizations working on scalable, 创新, 适应气候变化的经济适用房模式,比如NPHS.

来自 NPHS, 致力于社区发展的非营利组织, 围绕着一个工厂建造的房屋模型. This 创新 model is not only less expensive, but also more 可持续发展的. 在工厂里建造房屋可以降低建筑成本 减少20%. Those savings reduce the selling price, opening homeownership opportunities to lower-income buyers. 在室内制造房屋, 使用可持续建筑材料, 能降低碳排放吗 最多3吨. 房屋本身具有气候适应性和节能性, 从长远来看,这能为房主省钱.

“我们新的工厂生产模式创造了一种股权驱动的模式, 制造的住房供应平台,Clemente Arturo Mojica说, NPHS首席执行官. “This housing is being intentionally created to foster the [economic] growth of people in underserved, 陷入困境的社区.”

Today, NPHS seeks to make homeownership possible for first-time buyers like Noraly Sainz, 尤其是那些来自服务不足社区的人, as access to quality  homes at an affordable price range is scarce. In 2020, 塞恩斯的丈夫去世了, 让她照顾他们的四个儿子, 他们都不满10岁, 在900平方英尺的房子里, 两间卧室的公寓. Anxious about their future, Sainz submitted an application to NPHS. 一年半之后, 她能够购买一个工厂建造, 全新的三卧室住宅-带餐厅, porch, 和车库,在圣贝纳迪诺市. 

既宽敞又节能, 诺拉的家, 就像所有NPHS的房子一样, 拥有最高的能源之星评级, 这能帮她省下多少钱 她每年的水电费是475美元. 建 狂野的城市界面 规范, 这座房子既防火又适应气候, with a solar-ready roof as well as a 200-amp meter upgrade that can accommodate a charging station for an electric vehicle.

Sainz discusses how much her life has changed since moving into their new home. “起初,这似乎好得令人难以置信,”她说. “I was able to become a homeowner, even though I’m in the low-income category.” 

The opportunity to own her own home—to build equity and financial security—has given her immense relief during an extremely challenging time, 她说:“你不知道这感觉有多好, 只是为了能给我的孩子们这样的空间, 是最大的礼物.她渴望分享自己的故事, 她解释说, because she wants other people to benefit from these programs too.

A significant philanthropic commitment helped fund the construction of these 创新 homes and showcased proof of concept to help catalyze additional investments. 12bet官方's support of the program is part of the firm’s $400 million, five-year commitment to improve housing affordability and stability for underserved households.

Disclaimer: Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services is not affiliated with 12bet官方 & 公司及其附属公司.  12bet官方 & 公司及其附属公司 are not responsible for any products and services offered by Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services and does not make any representations or warranties of any kind express or implied about the completeness, 精度, 可靠性, 适用性, 或任何特定用途的可用性.