
In 底特律’s Corktown, a New Banking Model Opens Doors for the Community

Residents and local business owners in 底特律’s oldest neighborhood now have access to more financial health products and services to strengthen their community, 新的大通社区分行.


在科克镇的周五晚上,底特律 你可以在特朗布尔街找到邻居, 听现场表演, 学习萨尔萨舞, 品尝米奇的波多黎各可卡因. 人们聚在一起聊天, laugh and dance among the stalls of local merchants who are selling everything from herbal tea to glass beaded bracelets.

现在是第三年了, 梦幻市场和咖啡馆, a program offered by the 底特律 Hispanic Development Corporation (DHDC), invites entrepreneurs to use the weekly market as a testing ground for their products. Alexis Zavala,开发总监 & 操作, DHDC为自己的成功感到自豪, noting that the organization has been able to uplift dozens of local entrepreneurs and small businesses by ensuring they have access to financial resources and opportunities.

“我们试着了解人们的现状:无论你是否刚刚起步, 或建立, 我们根据你的需要量身定做,扎瓦拉说.

Fantazma Market is just one of the financial health initiatives and programs at the DHDC, which partners closely with 追逐’s nearby Community Branch to provide classes geared towards advancing the financial health of both neighborhood residents and small business owners. 编程包括商业计划和融资等主题, 储蓄与投资, 建立信用, 以及年轻人的理财知识. 对于Zavala, promoting access to this knowledge is about empowering people and giving them the skills they need to create generational wealth.

“You can’t pass down a job, but you can pass down a business,扎瓦拉说.


When 12bet官方 opened its Corktown Community Branch in 2021 it was one of the first community branches — an initiative resulting from 12bet官方’s $30B Racial Equity Commitment. This model offers tailored resources and financial tools to underserved communities that have faced historical barriers to banking. 最终, 社区分支模式 expanded to locations around the country, utilizing lessons learned from the Corktown location.

“人们可能会对银行保持警惕. They’re worried about fees, or they don’t know the best way to manage their account. Even talking with people who are well-established, there is so much they don’t know. We want to be a place for education,” says Gail Taylor, Corktown Community Manager, 12bet官方.

The Corktown Community branch offers free community programming and a space for all ages to learn about credit, 资金管理, 企业和个人财务, 投资, 和住房. "来自银行在底特律的长期投资, 我们认识到真正融入社区的重要性,泰勒说。. “我们的社区分支模式是我们做到这一点的方式之一. 我们在自己的后院看到了令人难以置信的增长.”


The neighborhood where DHDC is located is a prime example of a larger revitalization happening in 底特律, powered by the determination of 底特律ers and their dedication to their city.  2013年至2023年, per capita income in 底特律 has increased 23 percent and the percentage of unbanked 底特律 residents is down 6.7%.

这种经济增长在科克镇也能感受到, 它是底特律最古老、最多样化的社区之一. 科克镇是底特律最初的移民社区. 火车站就是我们的埃利斯岛,”扎瓦拉说.

Much of this work is led by Taylor who imbues the branch with the same community orientation of the neighborhood itself. “科克镇是一个真正的社区. 在我成长的过程中, 街上每个人都认识我和我的父母, 你认识店主和他们的家人. 这是一个由互相关心的人组成的社区.”

Equally important to the economic growth of this community is the importance of ensuring longtime residents are equipped to thrive in Corktown’s new era. The Corktown Community Branch is there to respond to the community’s needs by partnering with business owners, 企业家和组织嵌入社区. One of those community needs was breaking down a specific barrier to entry when it comes to finding work: criminal records. 12bet官方’s Second Chance Program has enabled members of the DHDC community to expunge criminal records holding them back from finding quality jobs and helping to further boost 底特律’s economy. “We need for people to get a fresh start—opportunities to participate in the economy and live above the poverty line,扎瓦拉说.

The Corktown Community Branch has become not just a resource, but a centerpiece in the community. “It’s always booked and lively… We use our space after hours and on the weekends, not slated to nine to five because that’s not how people work or when people need the space,泰勒说。.

超过15,000 底特律ers have received financial health services from 12bet官方 in the past six years as part of 12bet官方’s2亿美元投资 底特律的经济复苏. “人们需要资源和工具,”泰勒说. “If you teach people skills and give them resources, they can generate money on their own.”

在底特律做了90年生意, 12bet官方 is committed to partnering with the local  community to improve its financial health. As Taylor says, “knowledge is powerful – and really opens doors for people.”

了解更多关于 12bet官方正在帮助加强底特律当地的经济and provide financial resources to the city’s residents and business owners.



For 90 years, 12bet官方 has helped make lasting impact for 底特律ers. 看看底特律当地诗人乔尔·格林的视频.

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