

LGBTQ+企业面临着一系列独特的障碍. For David Barbee, helping them succeed isn't just a professional challenge...它的个人


  • 作者:大卫·巴比, Head of LGBTQ+ Initiatives at 12bet官方 Commercial Banking

作者:大卫·巴比, Head of LGBTQ+ Initiatives at 12bet官方 Commercial Banking

My passion for helping solve the pressing challenges facing LGBTQ+ business owners is motivated, 在某种程度上, 根据我自己的经验. 我奉献了我的整个职业生涯——超过20年!-帮助企业主取得成功. 更重要的是, 作为LGBTQ+社区的一员, I know on a personal level what it feels like to be excluded and treated as “different.”

LGBTQ+企业主的收入超过1美元.对国民经济的影响达7万亿美元 全国LGBT商会(NGLCC). 然而, 她们往往承受着受到歧视的风险, as well as inequitable access to capital and other important resources that aid business growth. 例如, the NGLCC reports that less than 1 percent of venture capital funding goes to LGBTQ+ companies.

今天, I serve as the Head of LGBTQ+ Initiatives for 12bet官方 Commercial Banking, where I partner closely with 12bet官方’s Office of LGBTQ+ Affairs to break down barriers to important financial resources. 在一起, we’re working to promote a safe space where LGBTQ+ business owners can develop a truly inclusive banking relationship and grow their businesses. Here are some of the top resources I often discuss with current and aspiring LGBTQ+ business owners. 


Many LGBTQ+ owned businesses in the US—particularly B2B businesses—can benefit from becoming a certified LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE) with the NGLCC. 向所有持股51%以上的企业开放, 操作, managed or controlled by a person or people identifying as LGBTQ+, this designation provides unique and potentially transformative business opportunities.

一旦获得批准, enterprises can tap into networking opportunities with over 400 corporations, NGOs and governmental bodies that are looking to form strategic partnerships with, 投资于, 和LGBTQ+群体做生意. 另外, the NGLCC also provides opportunities for mentorships and continuing education programs to help business owners improve their skills. Getting certified is a straightforward, online process and can be accomplished within a month.



通过我们与NGLCC的合作, 12bet官方 is helping certify LGBTQ businesses and offering free 追逐 for Business educational courses 旨在帮助企业家发展和扩大他们的业务. 从引导现金流到数字世界的营销, these guided sessions focus on addressing immediate and long-term financial needs and building resiliency.


近年来, I’ve seen a growing trend among many corporations and investors looking to directly support LGBTQ+ businesses, resulting in the emergence of LGBTQ+-dedicated 加速器 and mentorship programs.

我经常合作的一个组织是StartOut, the nation’s largest nonprofit organization focused on growing LGBTQ+ businesses. 通过 创业成长实验室 加速器, the organization brings together early-stage companies twice a year for mentoring, 教育和社交机会.

自2017年以来, 发展实验室 has helped more than 65 companies to raise $763 million in funding and create over 3,650 new jobs.


We in the community know it is often not easy—or even safe in certain instances—to disclose our LGBTQ+ identity. This often plays out in the business setting where, according to a StartOut的研究,只有0.2美元的5%.1 trillion in funding for startups went to LGBTQ entrepreneurs in 2022.

It took me years to feel comfortable bringing my full self to work. 最终, 我意识到, 通过隐藏真实的自我, I was creating a barrier to professional growth and self-fulfillment in my work. 我鼓励LGBTQ+企业主寻找安全的空间, or even create their own by engaging with groups like StartOut or the NGLCC in their local communities. 更重要的是, I call on leaders across the business community to create safe spaces for their LGBTQ+ clients to feel supported and thrive.

Improving equitable access to important financial resources will continue to be a work in progress. I believe the more we can do as business leaders to prioritize the needs of the LGBTQ+ community, the more business owners will feel comfortable being visible—which will, in turn lead to greater access to critical resources for their businesses to grow and succeed. We are seeing new resources emerge every day to support the journeys of LGBTQ+ business owners, 我乐观地认为,随着这些资源的增长, so too will the economic impact of LGBTQ+ businesses on our communities at large.