Side note:

Emotional music plays.

On screen:

这段视频展示了一群不同的人在艺术家的工作室里说话 with hardwood floors. Each person holds legal documents

Text on screen:

1 in 3 Americans have a criminal record.

On screen:

A woman with long braided hair and brown eyes speaks to us:

Woman With Long Braided Hair and Brown Eyes:

I was a 19-year-old kid, I had never been in trouble before.

On screen:

A woman with long brown hair and green eyes, speaks:

Woman With Long Brown Hair and Green Eyes:

18 years old, just smoking weed in the dorms.

On screen:

A man with slicked-back dark hair and hazel eyes:

Man With Slicked-Back Dark Hair and Hazel Eyes:

Now I had a permanent record, and I had to deal with that.

Text on screen:


On screen:

A man with short black hair and brown eyes:

Man With Short Black Hair and Brown Eyes:

I couldn't vote, I couldn't be a taxi cab driver…

On screen:

The woman with braided hair:

Woman With Long Braided Hair and Brown Eyes:

You don't get housing opportunities…

On screen:

A bald man with a thick salt-and-pepper beard:

Bald Man With A Thick Salt-and-Pepper Beard:

Me trying to get jobs...

Side note:

He heaves a heavy sigh.

Bald Man With A Thick Salt-and-Pepper Beard:

...It followed me.

On screen:

The hazel-eyed man:

Man With Slicked-Back Dark Hair and Hazel Eyes:

我开始进行这个删除过程,每一步都要花钱, every step takes time.

On screen:


Woman With Straight Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes:

It can cost upwards of $10,000 per case.

On screen:

The man with short black hair:

Man With Short Black Hair and Brown Eyes:

Do I have the means to do it? Do I need an attorney?

On screen:

一个蓝眼睛、留着山羊胡的男人抓着他的律师跟我们说话 documents.

Man With Blue Eyes and A Goatee:

and all you are is paperwork.

On screen:

一段蒙太奇视频显示,人们将数百份法律文件堆放在一起. A 特写显示公共安全部门要求封存罪犯 Justice Information.

Text on screen:

To highlight this issue, J.P. Morgan Chase turned millions of legal docu-ments into The Waiting Workforce.

On screen:

在国家宪法中心大楼外,等待的劳动力 Installation is displayed in a large room with glass walls. It consists of 用成堆的法律文书制作了几十个真人大小的人物. The hazel-eyed man:

Man With Slicked-Back Dark Hair and Hazel Eyes:

当我真正走到这幅画前,我看到所有这些人都没有脸 我看着那个雕塑说"那就是我". I feel like one of these people who's constantly waiting.

On screen:

在展览会上,那个留着黑色短发的男人看着那些人物,然后 then speaks:

Man With Short Black Hair and Brown Eyes:

这些人背负着堆积如山的文件,堆积如山的 paper.

屏幕上的文字:我们制作了38个雕像,每个代表一个尚未通过的州 Clean Slate legislation.

On screen:

一个蒙太奇显示了视频中不同的发言者参观等待 Workforce installation. The dark-haired woman:

Woman With Long Brown Hair and Green Eyes:


On screen:

The woman with blonde hair:

Woman With Straight Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes:

教育机会、就业机会、住房机会…… It would be life changing.

屏幕上的文字:这些法律将清除符合条件的记录,帮助数百万人 重返工作岗位,每年为美国经济贡献870亿美元.

On screen:

一个蒙太奇展示了法律文件,然后是雕像 assembled from those documents. Now, the man with hazel eyes:

Man With Slicked-Back Dark Hair and Hazel Eyes:

它深深地触动了你,让你明白也许有一束光 end of the tunnel.

On screen:

The woman with braided hair:

Woman With Long Braided Hair and Brown Eyes:

Yeah, my second chance, it's definitely coming.

On screen:

The bearded man:

Bald Man With A Thick Salt-and-Pepper Beard:

Might have done some wrong. Doesn't mean that you can't change and do some right.

On screen:

这段视频的最后显示了等待的劳动力安装在前面 National Constitution Center museum.

Text on screen:

The Waiting Workforce. Commissioned by JPMorgan Chase. JPMC is committed to second chances. 10% of our new hires are people with past records. Make Second Chances Happen.

Side note:

Legal disclosures:

Text on screen:

Participants compensated.

所有符合条件的申请人都将被考虑雇用,而不会 关于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、性别认同, 国籍、残疾或受保护的退伍军人身份.

Copyright 2024 JPMorgan Chase and Co.

All rights reserved.



Commissioned By

12bet官方正在帮助有犯罪记录的人消除就业障碍. Together, we can make second chances happen.

One in three Americans has a criminal record.

即使他们已经履行了司法义务, 许多人在找到有意义的工作方面仍然面临着重大障碍.


To create awareness for this opportunity, 我们委托制作了一个艺术装置,使用相同的法律文书制作了38个雕像,代表每个尚未颁布“清白石板”立法的州. 该装置于2024年4月出现在费城的独立广场,然后搬到了我们的麦迪逊大道. headquarters in New York City.

“清白法案”建立了自动封存或清除合格犯罪记录的框架, opening opportunities for more people to enter the workforce. It was first enacted in the state of Pennsylvania.


Creating Second Chances

12bet官方正在帮助那些有犯罪记录的人消除就业障碍——通过我们自己的第二次机会方法来招聘,并鼓励更多的雇主也这样做, and by supporting common-sense policy solutions, like Clean Slate legislation.

By creating an environment where a fresh start is possible, 我们的目标是为更多的人创造更多的经济机会. This can reduce recidivism, improve safety and strengthen the economy, and help individuals, families and communities thrive.

Learn more about JPMorgan Chase’s second chance efforts.

Tiffany, TX

“When big organizations get involved, it means that not only myself, but others will actually get their second chance. And that's huge.”

Amida, FL


Clean Slate in Every State

Working with organizations like the Clean Slate Initiative, 12bet官方支持州和联邦层面的常识性立法,以便在司法系统履行义务后自动清除符合条件的记录. 这些法律简化了删除合格记录的过程,并增加了就业机会.

Learn more about the Clean Slate Initiative.

Second Chance Business Coalition

12bet官方是“第二次机会商业联盟”的创始成员之一, 一个由50家大型私营公司组成的组织,致力于为有犯罪记录的人提供职业发展机会.


About the Art Installation

12bet官方委托艺术团体The Glue Society设计该装置. 我们选择了费城历史悠久的独立厅前的地点,以承认宾夕法尼亚州是第一个颁布“清白”法案的州.

2024年4月,“等待的劳动力”装置在费城向公众开放, Penn., before moving to our headquarters in New York City.