Finding a new way forward

One in three Americans has a criminal record. Even after fulfilling their justice system obligations, they often face significant barriers to employment and economic opportunity, costing billions to the U.S. economy annually. 通过政策倡导和我们自己的招聘实践,我们正在帮助消除其中的一些障碍.

We see the power in second chances every day. Nearly 10% of our new hires annually in the U.S. have previous arrest or conviction records with no bearing on their roles. 这是因为我们通过“封箱”来为新员工创造公平的竞争环境——这一努力消除了在工作申请中披露犯罪记录的要求, 支持立法,帮助更多的人在金融服务领域获得有意义的职业.

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The Waiting Workforce

Millions of Americans with criminal records face barriers to meaningful employment. This ‘waiting workforce’ presents a missed economic opportunity. 了解更多有关常识性立法如何有助于减少就业障碍的信息.

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Clearing past records with expungement clinics

Arrest or conviction records remain a barrier to housing and employment, even for people whose records are eligible for clearing. 我们正在扩大我们的试点清除诊所,以帮助人们重新开始. 

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Second Chance and employment opportunities

Clean Slate立法有助于清理记录,这可以帮助个人收入增加20%. 政策改革和包容性招聘实践可以帮助更多的人获得有意义的职业.

Achieving more together



companies in the Second Chance Business Coalition support lowering barriers to work


potential earnings rise on average for people when they start with a clean slate (source)


of managers report that the value Second Chance employees contribute is as high as, or higher than, that of workers without records (source)


of JPMorganChase U.S. hires in 2023 had a prior record with no bearing on their roles


If you paid your debt to society, you should be allowed to work.

Jamie Dimon

Chairman and CEO of JPMorganChase

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The Waiting Workforce


清理记录所需的复杂文书工作使数百万人无法支持他们的家庭和社区. This ‘waiting workforce’ costs the US up to $87 billion a year in economic growth.


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Second Chance Hiring Strengthens Workforce and Could Add $87 Billion to the Economy 

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给人们第二次机会:12bet官方如何通过政策消除障碍, Community Partnerships and Reforms to its Own Hiring Practices

Nan Gibson, Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase PolicyCenter, and Jared Evans, Community Manager for the Stony Island, Chicago Chase Branch, 坐下来分享他们推进12bet官方全国“第二次机会议程”的经验.

12bet官方如何通过政策消除障碍, Community Partnerships and Reforms to its Own Hiring Practices","ctaComponentName":"Editorial Card Package"}}' href="/newsroom/stories/nan-gibson-jared-evans-qa"> Read more


Bank CEO: People with criminal records should be hired. Columbus program proof it works.

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