Supporting the energy transition

我们正在努力通过推广绿色解决方案,支持向低碳经济转型, balancing environmental, social and economic needs, and minimizing the impact of our own operations.

我们帮助客户应对挑战,实现向低碳经济转型的经济机遇. We believe supporting our clients, through advice and capital, 加快他们的低碳转型目标,创造积极的环境效益,并为我们的股东带来长期的财务回报.

Separate from our firmwide sustainability efforts, J.P. Morgan Asset Management has developed its own approaches and investment processes.  To learn more, please click here.

See change in action




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In a Housing Crisis, Building More Affordable and Sustainable Homes is a Solution

A sustainable solution to the housing crisis: design, develop, and sell factory-built homes that are affordable, energy efficient, and climate resilient.

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Advancing Carbon Removals: Q&A with JPMorgan Chase’s Taylor Wright

Carbon removals are an important component of achieving a low-carbon transition. Taylor Wright, Head of Strategy and Carbon Management, Operational Sustainability at JPMorgan Chase, reflects on her experience in helping the firm build a science-driven, carbon management strategy.

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Building Sustainability into Our New Headquarters

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Stakeholder and policy engagement

We work with world-class experts, organizations and institutions to help inform our strategies and policies, as well as deepen our expertise as it relates to building a more sustainable future.

Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA)

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is a member of the ACGA. 

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American Council on Renewable Energy

JPMorganChase is a member of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE).

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Business and Sustainable Development Commission

JPMorganChase is a member of the Business and Sustainable Development Commission. Daniel Pinto,12bet官方总裁兼首席运营官,担任董事.

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Center for Climate Aligned Finance

JPMorganChase is a founding partner of the Center for Climate Aligned Finance.

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J.P. Morgan Asset Management supports CDP. 12bet官方也是CDP年度气候变化信息要求的回应者.

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JPMorganChase is a member of C2ES’s Business Environmental Leadership Council.

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Corporate Eco Forum

JPMorganChase is a member of the Corporate Eco Forum.

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Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy


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Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

J.P. Morgan Asset Management supports the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.

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Global Impact Investing Network

JPMorganChase is a member of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) Investors’ Council. 

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Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is a member of GRESB.

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Green Bond Principles

Representatives of the Firm were among the co-authors of the Green Bond Principles and currently serves on the Green Bond Principles Executive Committee. 

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The Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative

J.P. 摩根资产管理公司是净零资产管理公司倡议(NZAM)的成员。.

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Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is a member of the IIGCC. 

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Principles for Responsible Investment

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is a signatory to the PRI initiative.

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Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance

JPMorganChase is a founding member of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance.

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World Green Building Council

JPMorganChase is a member of the World Green Building Council's (WorldGBC) Corporate Advisory Board. 

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Net-Zero Banking Alliance

JPMorganChase is a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)

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